Thursday, April 13, 2017

Dungeonstack A to Z: Knight of Unreality

Time for the letter K in this year's A to Z Challenge.  I present another Monster that's not necessarily a monster (although who knows what's under that armor...and that's not meant to sound dirty...):

Some notes on the Knight:

That ability was pretty much lifted straight from the old (and, I think, going again...?) Warlord CCG.  It's pretty darned powerful, I suppose...but I really like the way it fits the "Unreality" theme of the card.

Also, I've enjoyed working in a few tips of the hat so far to other bloggers of geekdom who are taking part in the A to Z Challenge this April.  While this post doesn't quite fit in, I really liked this art and wanted to at least give a little nod to my blogging bud +Tim Knight.  His site HeroPress is one of my favorite daily stops and always deserves a look...!


  1. So flattered! Thank you very much for this honour, and the kind words about HeroPress.

    1. Of course, man! The nod is pretty darn subtle, I know, but I'm always happy to share the good word on your work!

  2. I really like the mechanic, though it's a rough one. Also, I'm a fan of HeroPress, myself.

    1. Yes, the Press is great! And the mechanic...yeah, I'm hoping it isn't TOO rough...I think it could be extremely frustrating at times...
