Odds are that if you check in on my blog, you're already aware of this, but I wanted to point out that Justin Isaac of
Halls of the Nephilim has just put out a great little supplement for
Swords & Wizardry focusing on...well, the Nephilim...
It's four pages of material (plus cover and OGL) well worth the $0.99 price tag. You get the Nephil as a racial class, four different types of Nephilim as monsters, and some magic items...along with a very interesting racial background that, honestly, could probably be accepted by some theologians who seriously ponder the origins of these giants. This is clearly a lovingly crafted work, which I guess is what you'd expect from a dude who calls his blog Halls of the Nephilim...!
You can find it on RPGNow
right here...and should find use for it in a traditional fantasy game as well as in adventures inspired by the Nephilim.
Heck, maybe you could even (as suggested by
Tim Brannan) take some inpiration from Ken Ham himself and have a little campaign based on the world as some believe it was...
Looks like fun to me...!