I guess I cursed myself when I wrote that my free time hasn't been especially limited lately, because pretty much since I pushed the button on that post, it's been exactly that. I've been aiming (heh) to finish The Marksman class for Light City for weeks at this point, which is kind of ridiculous when the point of the class-by-class approach to Light City is to facilitate progress on the project even when time and focus is limited.
But y'know what probably doesn't make for a quality blog post by me? Blogging about not blogging! So, here's the point of this little communication, the thing I actually have been able to accomplish lately...!
I present the Light City Multiverse logo with the hope that others will want to take part in this little experiment in playing with superheroes within the Swords & Wizardry Light framework. You see, I have some pretty specific ideas in my head of the way I expect the rules regarding Light City to shake out (kind of the reason I see it even being a worthwhile pursuit when there are already a million and one other supers games out there), as well as a certain view of the "ideal" superhero gaming world.
There's no point in pushing all of that too hard though, unless I'm putting it all together as some huge rule and setting book, and one of the things I like the most about this hobby of ours is seeing ideas from different individuals bounce off of each other to make something even better. And really, what background is better for letting disparate ideas intermingle than a superhero multiverse? I thought for a while that it might be a bit pretentious to release a "compatibility logo," but hey, what have I got to lose? Hopefully others will want to play in the sandbox!
Here's the first version of the logo that I've been somewhat pleased with. It's followed by the license (using that word pretty loosely) and the logo with inverted colors. Please come join me in Light City if you like!
(Updated 01/17/2018)
1. The Light City Multiverse logo may be used freely on any work that contributes to our ability to pretend like we’re superheroes using the Swords & Wizardry Light ruleset. You can also use it on other stuff, but this is probably where it makes the most sense.
2. Use of this logo does not indicate that you relinquish ownership of any of your own physical or intellectual property. Similarly, making this logo available for use does not indicate that we relinquish ownership of any of our own physical or intellectual property.
3. While not a requirement, if you do use the logo (or make anything of interest to Light City), we’d love to be notified at lightcityrpg at gmail dot com.
4. Light City is a big, multiversal sandbox with room for a lot of people to play. We reserve the right to ask you not to use this logo anymore if you’re not playing nice.
5. As you’ve probably guessed, the writer of this license not a lawyer, so we’ll just make a final general statement that we reserve the right to change this license and the logo itself. If for some reason that has legal ramifications, we’ll all figure it out at the time.
EDIT: Oh! I should give a shout out to the source of the skyline art in the logo. I snagged it from Pixabay, right here. Thanks to user Clker-Free-Vector-Images (probably not their real name) for posting it there...!