Part of my first Cobra fireteam with Blast Beat, Apostle is an original '83/'84 swivel-arm Cobra soldier that ended up in my collection as a kid. I word it this way because I really don't remember getting it...I had an original '82 straight-arm version, and then somehow over the course of my G.I. Joe playing career, this guy ended up among the rest of my figures. Maybe it was given to me? A friend's figure that got mixed up with mine, and then was never requested back because it's such a minor character? Maybe I traded for it? A sign of my age, I suppose...I truly don't recall. But I could probably be convinced that I remember any of those scenarios.
As a true old-school trooper, this seemed like a great figure to take on the Acolyte background from 5E. As the only background put into the original 5E SRD (meant to serve as an example for others' work), I think it's also the only one that made it into the rules that Wizards of the Coast released this year under a Creative Commons license. It just felt like a good match with an original figure.
Cobra Trooper
Josiah Bell
Code Name: Apostle
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Secondary Military Specialty: Sabotage
Birthplace: Scottsboro, Alabama
Soldier 2
Background: Acolyte
11(--) 10(--) 16(+3) 11(--) 10(--) 17(+3)
HP 16 (2d10+6)
Move 30 ft. (6 units)
Attack Bonuses (with proficiency) +2 melee, +2 ranged
Skills: Insight, Religion, Animal Handling, Demolitions
Tools: Land Vehicles
Languages: English, Spanish, Hebrew, Aramaic
Saves: Strength, Constitution
Weapons: Simple weapons, handguns, two-handed small arms (expertise), heavy weapons, super heavy weapons
Armor: All armor, shields
Shelter of the Faithful: May receive assistance from those who share his faith.
Infantry Training: Treats effects of exhaustion as if they were one level lower.
Specialty: Two-Handed Small Arms
Apostle grew up attending a snake-handling church in the rural American South. Upon being introduced to the more esoteric teachings of Golobulus and the Cobra-La, he began to syncretize the two belief systems and ultimately found his way to Cobra as a religiously devoted recruit.
While not the most skilled of warriors, Apostle's belief that his work for Cobra is in service to a higher cause makes him a most formidable enemy.