Mini-ethical dilemma today: I honestly feel a bit strange posting anything, hopeful and...I dunno, frivolous...on 9/11. But y'know, if I wait till tomorrow, the clock will be almost at zero on this. And I do want to share it...and you can't really deny the American connection here. Today is a day to celebrate heroes!
So...just reminding you to make sure to get in now if you want to be a part of Dr. Michael T. Desing's Stalwart '85 Kickstarter! Mike (may I call you Mike?) has covered a lot of the creation process over at his excellent blog and publishing HQ, The Splintered Realm. Stalwart '85 looks to be a love letter to 1980s superhero comics, but in a way that imagines a third major publisher (largely using public domain characters) rather than generating a pastiche of '80s stories (which, obviously, I'm also fond of).
The Core Rules are already on DriveThru as a PWYW, so you can check out the basics before buying into it. The mechanics definitely look solid, although I'm really in it more for the worldbuilding. The art is familiar but unique. And Mike, frankly, seems like a good dude.
It's already funded and into stretch goals. Check it out HERE if you'd like to join me in getting in on the superheroic action!
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