Saturday, July 15, 2017

Building the infrastructure of Light City...

While my free time isn't especially limited these days, I am finding that I rarely have a significant stretch of uninterrupted time to complete the little projects I have bouncing around in my head.  So while the next Light City installment is taking way too long (The Marksman is coming soon...!), I am taking little steps in working toward some of my hobby goals.

I recently made a stop at Home Depot to pick up an important item...

I'm pretty stoked that I can now continue my (years-long) quest to put some of the random HeroClix I've accumulated over time to good use...!


  1. Click are much more useful when they've been rebased ;-)

    1. I agree! (I just wish I had the talent and patience to do more extreme mods!)

    2. Me too! I'm so cack-handed these days I won't allow myself near a modelling knife anymore ;-)

  2. and repainted...fender washers i use them too just wish the edges were more rounded as paint can wear on them quite easily..

    1. It's been so long since I've tried my hand at any legitimate mini painting, but I really should give it a go again. And I'm just learning that as well about the paint on the washers...just getting used to the idea that silver's going to eventually poke through there...

  3. I've found using any cyanoacrylate adhesive (crazy glue) first putting some on the base then sprinkling with fine sand as a basis stays on for good. Even if you don't have sand as the basis the crazy glue works as good basis to minimize edge wear somewhat

    1. That's a good tip! (Although I'll admit I have some doubts about my ability to successfully add another step into the VERY simple rebasing process I follow...!)

  4. Before you paint of course
